Illinois Recycling Foundation (IRF) 2025 Membership Fees & Definitions

$2200 BENEFACTORPremier IRF Membership.  Includes membership in IRA. Dynamic 12 month recognition on [HOME] page of IRF website, monthly newsletter and webinar presentation screens; complimentary membership in NRC for one (1) person with voting privileges; display IRF logo on your website; all employees attend webinars for free and in-person events at member discounted fee.
$550 IRA DUAL MEMBERSHIP / IRF MEMBERSHIPIRA Benefits:  receive legislative tracking updates from IRA lobbyist, newsletter; invitation to IRA Annual Meeting.
IRF Benefits: membership in NRC for one (1) person with voting privileges; all employees attend webinars for free and in-person events at member discounted fee.   Combined IRA/IRF logo for display on your website
$450 IRF CORPORATEOver 100 Employees.  complimentary membership in NRC with voting privileges for one (1) person; all employees attend webinars for free and in-person events at member discounted fee.  Display IRF logo on your website.
$300 IRF BUSINESSUp to 100 employees; complimentary membership in NRC with voting privileges for one (1) person; all employees attend webinars for free and in-person events at member discounted fee.  Display IRF logo on your website.
$225 IRF GOVERNMENT/EDUCATIONAL/NON-PROFITcomplimentary membership in NRC with voting privileges for one (1) person; all employees attend webinars for free and in-person events at member discounted fee.  Display IRF logo on your website.
$120 SUPPORTER of Recycling Education (for Individuals)One (1) voting membership, name listed in Member Directory, NRC membership.
$60 FRIEND of Recycling (for Individuals)One (1) Individual; listing on Friends page of IRF website; receive monthly newsletter and all communications; attend one webinar for free and one in-person event at member discount
$30 STUDENTEnrolled in accredited community college, college, university.  One (1) non-voting membership. Listed on Friends/Students page of website; pay non-member fee for webinars & events
EVERY MEMBERReceive monthly Newsletter and all communications.