Recycle Coach’s Vision for Illinois: A Free Tool for Local Governments

June 17, 2024 / Comments Off on Recycle Coach’s Vision for Illinois: A Free Tool for Local Governments


Crystal Lake, Ill. – The Illinois Recycling Foundation (IRF) Annual Conference on June 5, 2024, offered a platform for Recycle Coach to introduce IRF members to a mobile app and web-based tools designed to assist recycling and waste management across the state. Recycle Coach is a comprehensive, user-friendly app and website plug-in tailored to meet the diverse needs of local governments and their residents.

What is Recycle Coach?

Recycle Coach is a desktop and mobile platform that provides hyper-localized waste management information to residents. It simplifies the complexities of recycling by offering clear, accurate, and timely guidance on what can be recycled, how to dispose of various items, and when collection days occur. Its core features include:

  • Collection Schedules: Users can access their personalized waste and recycling schedules, set reminders, and receive notifications about any changes or delays.
  • What Goes Where Tool: This tool helps residents identify the correct disposal methods for over 400 materials. It includes a database with 15,000 synonyms and utilizes image recognition technology for easy identification.
  • Communication Platform: Municipalities can directly communicate with residents about weather-related disruptions, special events, and other important updates. The app also allows residents to report issues such as missed pickups.
  • Educational Content: The app offers interactive quizzes, games, and modules that educate users on recycling practices and sustainability.

Free Access for IRF Members and Local Governments

One of the most compelling aspects of Recycle Coach is its accessibility. Thanks to the Illinois EPA’s support and funding, local governments and other entities that directly manage public recycling programs across Illinois can use Recycle Coach for free. Here’s how IRF members can take advantage of this opportunity:

  1. Sign Up and Onboard: Local governments and other local recycling program administrators can sign up to work with Recycle Coach without any budgetary concerns or lengthy procurement processes. Schedule a kick-off meeting by emailing Once onboard, program managers will work with Recycle Coach’s team to customize features to fit their local needs.
  2. Incorporate Local Data: Recycle Coach’s team assists in integrating local waste management information, including collection schedules and specific recycling guidelines. This ensures that the information residents receive is accurate and relevant to their area.
  3. Promote the App: With the app customized and data integrated, municipalities can promote Recycle Coach to their residents. The app provides tools and templates for local governments to use in their outreach efforts, ensuring a smooth launch.
  4. Ongoing Support: Recycle Coach offers continuous support to ensure the app remains up-to-date and effective. This includes regular updates, training sessions, and a responsive customer support team.

Benefits for Local Governments and Residents

For local governments and entities, Recycle Coach offers numerous benefits:

  • Cost Savings: By eliminating the need for separate budget allocations and procurement processes, municipalities can provide this valuable service at no additional cost.
  • Improved Communication: The platform enhances communication between program managers and residents, ensuring timely and accurate information dissemination.
  • Increased Recycling Rates: By providing clear guidelines and reminders, Recycle Coach helps improve recycling rates and reduce contamination.
  • Enhanced Resident Engagement: Interactive features and educational content engage residents, fostering a community-wide commitment to sustainable practices.

A Future of Collaborative Success

By offering this tool for free to local governments via a grant from the Illinois EPA, Recycle Coach empowers communities to streamline their recycling efforts, improve communication, and engage residents in sustainable practices. This initiative represents a significant step forward in Illinois’ commitment to environmental stewardship.

For IRF members interested in leveraging Recycle Coach for their communities, more information is available on the Recycle Coach website or through direct contact with their support team.