President/CEO Land and Lakes Company
Mary Margaret continues the tradition at her family owned business of creating innovative environmental and real estate projects. Among Land & Lakes accomplishments in its 51- year history are being the first recipient of IEPA permits for yard waste composting, food waste composting, and construction of a bioreactor landfill cell. Land & Lakes has redeveloped brownfields in the Chicago area as community centers, golf courses, and man-made lakes.
Mary Margaret has managed complex industrial and environmental projects including nonhazardous landfills, a waste collection and trucking company, composting operations, and the construction of 1.7 million sf of industrial space. Prior to joining Land & Lakes, Mary Margaret spent 10 years as a banker in the field of commercial real estate in the Chicago area. She is licensed as a lawyer, a real estate broker in Illinois and Wisconsin, and is a certified Class A landfill manager. In 2016, she completed a 51-hour course in Greenhouse Management through the University of Arkansas School of Agriculture.
In addition to her professional duties, Mary Margaret serves as a Trustee of Catholic Theological Union in the Hyde Park neighborhood. For two decades she worked with the Logan Square Preservation Society. She also served on the Board of Governors of the National Solid Waste Management Association as Vice Chairman. Currently she serves on the Board of the Illinois Recycling Association.