October 9, 2018 / Comments Off on MINDY AGNEW

Mindy Agnew is the Sustainability Coordinator for the Village of Oak Park.  Mindy is new to this position.  Beginning in 2008 she was a member of the team that guided School District 97 to incorporate zero waste programs.  She helped launch the Oak Park CompostAble program where single family homes and up to 5-flat households can pay a monthly fee for organics collection.  She has been under contract with the village to coordinate Green Block Parties since 2014 where residents learn about organic lawn care, edible gardens and tree walks in addition to composting, recycling and zero waste.  These block parties have quadrupled to almost 100 in the past year.  In her new role she will implement the single-use bag fee, oversee the community choice electricity aggregation program, pursue grant funding and collaborate with a variety of community partners