August 27, 2018 / Comments Off on SHANTANU PAI

Shantanu Pai joined the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC) in September 2013 and is an assistant sustainability researcher at ISTC in the Oakbrook office. Shantanu graduated from the University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point in 2013 with a BS in Waste and Soils Resources and a minor in Communications. He was the recipient of the Chancellors Leadership Award in 2013 and the Veolia Environmental Services Scholarship in 2012. Shantanu was a research assistant at the Center for Land Use and Planning as well as the Center for Waste Education at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. While there he worked with Marathon County, Wisconsin on a zero waste to landfill program.

His research interests include: fate and transport of waste materials through market driven initiatives, role of affluence and directed public policy in solid waste management, and solid waste industry in the developing world. Shantanu’s current projects include: a waste characterization study through funding from Facilities and Services at U of I, and exploring uses for non-recyclable post-consumer PET carpet.

Shantanu’s published report is: Kangaroo Lake Resident Survey Report, 2012.