Bill Curtin is the Retired Director of Environmental Services for Loyola University, Chicago. He was employed at Loyola since December 1998 and was responsible for managing recycling and composting for more than ten years. Loyola was one of the first institutions to implement the collection and composting of food scraps. The recycling program was revamped when Bill assumed responsibility and a new scavenger service was contracted to provide services. Working in collaboration with the campus community the recycling program has grown from averaging less than ten tons per month to now averaging approximately forty tons per month. In addition, Loyola University Chicago composts twenty tons of food scraps per month on average. Working with other members of the community, Facilities Management collects batteries, electronics and other hard to recycle materials. Bill is an active member in the Illinois Recycling Association.
Bill Curtin holds an M.S. from Lewis University and a B.A. from Saint Xavier University.